শুক্রবার, ২১ নভেম্বর, ২০০৮

Shopping Information for Tourists

welcome to Bangladesh.The weather is pretty sultry,with occational stroms called Nor'westers to cool the evening in the summer season.

Fruits of this season like Lichis,Jackfruits,Mangoes,Watermelons are in the markets. Working people celebrate May Day with due fanfare.Mambers of the BuDDhist community of the country observe the Buddha Purnima,an important religious occation for them.

In this issue markets selling tredy, yet lowpriced garments has spread not only beyond the confines of this market in Dhaka city but also other cities of the world.The markets are renowned for sale of readymade sweater,ladies' wear,footwear at cheap prices in both wholesale and retail trade.In this aspect,I can address a market named-Bangabazar.Bangabazar is not for novice shopper.Only an expert eye can often detect good iteams.The main feature of the market is the bargain price at all the shops.Any item sold here can be purchased as low as 30 to 40 per cent of the asking price.So be careful while fixing the price of the items,haggling with salesman.I am sure you will visit Bangabazar at your convenient time your stay in Dhaka.

Birds of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a home of many kinds of birds.It has plenty of food grains ,insects,fishes,trees,bushes,forests,rivers,lakes and tanks which have made it an ideal home to live in.

Common birds:Crows,sparrows,doves,pigeons,herons,kingfishers etc. are common birds of Bangladesh.Of them the most common is the crow.Its colour is black,its voice is harsh and its looks ugly. The sparrow is a small bird.It builds its nest with straw usually in eaves of our our houses.

Singing birds:The cuckoo,the magpie-robin,the "bau katha kau",the "bulbuli" are the well-known singing birds of Bangladesh.The cuckoo is a harbinger of spring and is liked by all for its sweet voice.The magpie-robin(doel) is our national bird.

Talking birds:The "parrot",the "moyna",the shalik can talk if they are taught.Even when they speak to themselves or to others, their voice sounds like human voice.

Birds of prey: Kites,hawks and eagles are birds of prey. They swoop down on their prey and snatch it away.The vulture is a big bird that lives mainly on dead animals.

Night birds: The most common night birds are the owl and the bat.They are so called because they come out at night in search of food.

There are many other kinds of birds in Bangladesh which vary in colour,size,voice,nature and habit.

Fruits of Bangladesh

The land, its climate and the heavy rainfall are suitable for the growth of various kinds of fruits in Bangladesh.Different kinds of fruits grow here in different seasons.

Summer fruits : Mangoes,Jackfruits,pineapple,guavas,lichi,berries,palms are the main fruits of summer.Of them the mango is the most popular. Some northern districts of Bangladesh,espicially Rajshahi and Dinajpur,produce the best varities of mangoes.The jack fruit is big in size.It has a thorny skin.Its juicy sweet content is liked by many people in Bangladesh. The pineapple has a rough covering but it is juicy and tasty.Its best variety is grown in sylhet and comilla.The guava is grown in plenty all over the country.The lichi is a small juicy fruit that is available only for a weeks in summer.

Winter food: Oranges and plums are the main winter fruit. It grows in sylhet. Chittagong also grows some oranges.Almost every house in Bangladesh has a plum tree.
All season fruits: The banana is the most popular in all seasonal fruits in Bangladesh. It is sweet and delicious. It grows all over the country.The papaya is also grown everwhere in the country throughout the whole year. It is also sweet and tasty.Bangladesh is blessed with these and many other fruits.We should eat as much fruit as possible for good heakth.

Flowers of Bangladesh

Flowers are the most beautiful gifts of nature.And there are plenty of these gifts in Bangladesh.
Many kinds of flowers are found in our country(Bangladesh).They vary in size,colour and smell.The best known flowers of Bangladesh are the rose,the shapla,the lotus,the china rose,the beli, the jui,the chameli,the hasnahena,the rajanigandha,etc.

The rose is the queen of flowers. It has different varities with different colours-red,pink,yellow,white,even black.It is famous for its beauty and fragrance.The lotus and the shapla are water flowes.That is, they grow in the water of a lake or tank. The shapla is our national flower.The hasnahena and the rajanigandha give out a charming scent at night.

The bakul,the krisnachura,the karabi,the palash and the kameni bloom in big trees.All these flowers except the palash have sweet scent.
In Bangladesh there are also innumerable wild flowers.Some of them are really beautiful and have sweet scert.They remin us of the followong two lines:
"Full many a flower is born to blush unseen
And wastes its sweetness in the desert air".
Bangladesh is a land of beautiful flowers.They give us immense joy and pleasure.

Farmers of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is an agricultural country.Abut seventy pecent of our people are farmers.But most farmers do not have sufficent land to grow the food they need.So the majority of them are small farmers.

A farmer works in his field field from sunrise to sunset.He uses his old plough,hoe and other simple tools for preparing his lad.His bulls are often unable to draw the plough as he can notfeed them properly.He cannot often buy fertilizer for his land.However,his children and wife often help him with farmwork.Also sometimes some farmers in a village form a group and work jointly in their field by turn.

Our farmers usually lead a very poor and hard life.They are ill-fed,ill-clad and ill-nourished.They live in bad,broken houses.As they are always weak and ill,so are theirbulls and cows.They cannot produce good crops.They cannot educate their children.In a word,they are born poor,they live poor and they die poor.Over-population,illiteracy and natural calamities are some of the reasons for miserable life.

Farmers form the majority of our population.We must change their lot as early as possible.

Rainy Season In Bangladesh

The rainy season is the most important seaon in Bangladesh.It is the second season of the year.It comes just after summer.The Bengali monts of asher and Sravan are the rainy season.In this season the south-west moonsoon begins to blow.This monsoon carries rain-bearing clouds.When these clouds come in contact with the cloud air of the upperatmosphere,rain comes down as heavy downpour on our country.We call it the rainy season because of their downpour.

There are disadvantages of the rainy season. Fields and roads go under water.People can not walk from place to place.Heavy showers sometimes cause floods.Floods destroy crops.Country boats become the only means of transport.Sometimes fatal water-brone diseases like cholera,diarrhoea,etc. break out.

The rainy season has got some advantages too.Bangladesh is an agricultural coutry. The principal crops of Bangladesh are paddy and jute.Both these crops depend on the rain of this season.
Though it has some disadvantages,yet the rainy season is perhaps the most useful season of the year.

About me

Hi everybody!!! How are you? I hope you are fine.I am Md.Habibul Amin(Emon),I have born in sirajganj,a district situated north side of Bangladesh in 31 december 1985.I have completed Secondary School Certificate Examination from B.L.Governmant High School,Sirajganj.After that,I have shifted my myself to Dhaka(the capital of Bangladesh) and I took addmission at Notre Dame College .I have Passed my Higher Secondary Certificate Examination from there and addmitted myself to a private university named Victoria University of Bangladesh.I have completed my graduation there on Tourism & Hospitality Management.My future Plan is to Addmitted myself on Masters in Business Administration.My aim is to build a career in tourism or hospitality related aspects. Thanks every body,Please visit adds around my site,if you are interested.I hope this adds are really essential to all of you. Have a nice day.