শুক্রবার, ২১ নভেম্বর, ২০০৮

Fruits of Bangladesh

The land, its climate and the heavy rainfall are suitable for the growth of various kinds of fruits in Bangladesh.Different kinds of fruits grow here in different seasons.

Summer fruits : Mangoes,Jackfruits,pineapple,guavas,lichi,berries,palms are the main fruits of summer.Of them the mango is the most popular. Some northern districts of Bangladesh,espicially Rajshahi and Dinajpur,produce the best varities of mangoes.The jack fruit is big in size.It has a thorny skin.Its juicy sweet content is liked by many people in Bangladesh. The pineapple has a rough covering but it is juicy and tasty.Its best variety is grown in sylhet and comilla.The guava is grown in plenty all over the country.The lichi is a small juicy fruit that is available only for a weeks in summer.

Winter food: Oranges and plums are the main winter fruit. It grows in sylhet. Chittagong also grows some oranges.Almost every house in Bangladesh has a plum tree.
All season fruits: The banana is the most popular in all seasonal fruits in Bangladesh. It is sweet and delicious. It grows all over the country.The papaya is also grown everwhere in the country throughout the whole year. It is also sweet and tasty.Bangladesh is blessed with these and many other fruits.We should eat as much fruit as possible for good heakth.

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