শুক্রবার, ২১ নভেম্বর, ২০০৮

Farmers of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is an agricultural country.Abut seventy pecent of our people are farmers.But most farmers do not have sufficent land to grow the food they need.So the majority of them are small farmers.

A farmer works in his field field from sunrise to sunset.He uses his old plough,hoe and other simple tools for preparing his lad.His bulls are often unable to draw the plough as he can notfeed them properly.He cannot often buy fertilizer for his land.However,his children and wife often help him with farmwork.Also sometimes some farmers in a village form a group and work jointly in their field by turn.

Our farmers usually lead a very poor and hard life.They are ill-fed,ill-clad and ill-nourished.They live in bad,broken houses.As they are always weak and ill,so are theirbulls and cows.They cannot produce good crops.They cannot educate their children.In a word,they are born poor,they live poor and they die poor.Over-population,illiteracy and natural calamities are some of the reasons for miserable life.

Farmers form the majority of our population.We must change their lot as early as possible.

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