শুক্রবার, ২১ নভেম্বর, ২০০৮

Shopping Information for Tourists

welcome to Bangladesh.The weather is pretty sultry,with occational stroms called Nor'westers to cool the evening in the summer season.

Fruits of this season like Lichis,Jackfruits,Mangoes,Watermelons are in the markets. Working people celebrate May Day with due fanfare.Mambers of the BuDDhist community of the country observe the Buddha Purnima,an important religious occation for them.

In this issue markets selling tredy, yet lowpriced garments has spread not only beyond the confines of this market in Dhaka city but also other cities of the world.The markets are renowned for sale of readymade sweater,ladies' wear,footwear at cheap prices in both wholesale and retail trade.In this aspect,I can address a market named-Bangabazar.Bangabazar is not for novice shopper.Only an expert eye can often detect good iteams.The main feature of the market is the bargain price at all the shops.Any item sold here can be purchased as low as 30 to 40 per cent of the asking price.So be careful while fixing the price of the items,haggling with salesman.I am sure you will visit Bangabazar at your convenient time your stay in Dhaka.

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